

    My name is Ingibjörg Ósk Þorvaldsdóttir. I’m born in 1956 in Reykjavík, Iceland. I gratuated as a teacher in 1981 with emphasis on textile and history. A year later I also finished a degree in woodworking from Iceland Teachers University. 

    I have mostly worked as a classroom teacher for the last 30 years. And most of this time taught grades 1–4. But at the same time I also taught woodwork and textile class. After graduation from Teachers University my dream was to go to Art School but my longing to have children and a family became stronger. But in my work as a teacher I have tried to make as much use of my background as a woodwork and textile teacher by emphasizing the importance of creative work in my classrooms and in creative teaching such as woodwork, textile and all kinds of handicrafts and design.

    Because of my enthusiasm for design and art and my old dream I enrolled into the Reykjavík School of Visual Arts in fall 2012 and decided to finish the diploma study and it’s mostly because i find working with clay and porcelain both inspiring and intense. When I look at my work in effort to describe or analyse how I work it’s pretty obvious that my past study and work in textile and woodworking are very clear, present and maybe sometimes even dominant. I think it’s visible in the things that I put in foreground and more often thread like texture and I often aim to combine or mix together different materials. 



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