
    AG keramik

    Fura vase / Fura vasi

    The pattern on the Fura porcelain vase comes from an old carved wall closet which is stationed in The National Museum of Iceland. It is thought that the closet was hand carved by Hjálmar Jónsson, better know as Bólu-Hjálmar. The name “Fura” is the icelandic word for pine and the name of the tree which the closet was made from.

    Munstur Furu vasans er tekið af gömlum útskornum veggskáp sem varðveittur er á Þjóðminjasafni Íslands en talið er að Hjálmar Jónsson, þekktur sem Bólu-Hjálmar, hafi skorið skápinn út. Nafn vasans kemur frá trjátegundinni sem skápurinn er gerður úr. Vasinn er úr postulíni.

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